Ocala Triathletes Virtual Triathlon: It’s Free! With Your New USAT Membership.We just want more awesome future triathletes like you to join USAT. If you are a new USAT member, who has signed up since July 15, 2018 – it’s free.
If you are not a USAT member but want to participate in our free virtual triathlon, you can join here: USAT visit https://www.teamusa.org/USA-Triathlon/
For all kinds of great triathlon information visit https://www.mytimetotri.com
The Rules:
Please swim, bike and run completing your virtual triathlon by December 15, 2018. The swim, bike and run need to be completed in one 24 hour period. The swim can be in a lake or in a pool. The bike and run can be done outdoors or even in your gym. It can also be a real triathlon, if you choose. You will swim 450 yards, bike 10 miles and run 3.1 miles to complete an average sprint distance triathlon. Please complete our short registration form to the right and then swim, bike and run before Dec 15, 2018.
Once complete, you will visit this page www.OcalaTriathletes.com/Mytimetotri and upload your proof of performance by way of photos or screenshots from your watch, garminconnect, trainingpeaks, strava or whatever tracking device you use to track your activity.
The Bling: Once you complete this form, we will send you your digital bib for social media. Once you upload your proof of performance, we will send you your tshirt and awesome OTC My Time to Tri medal no later than December 31, 2018 (but probably sooner than that).